Sunday, August 20, 2006

Time Mistake. Rooftop. Friday. August 25.

A new movie I made with Maura Madden called Time Mistake is playing at Rooftop Films this coming Friday, August 25. It's on the lawn of Automotive High School in Williamsburg.

It's a very lo-fi movie. Camera mic. 1-chip camera. About a pint of fake blood slathered on my body. I'm thrilled with how it came out.

The thing about fake blood is that it's basically just syrup. It gets sticky very quickly. I had an amazing and painful series of bruises I can only attribute to skin stuck to other skin.

Maura and I share the camera operating duties. This was the second movie that we made together. The first being The Hello Curve.

Time Mistake is in the Home Movies show at Rooftop. You can see a very cool trailer for this show and find out details HERE.

The band starts at 830pm. The show starts at 9pm. I will be there at 830 and we will assuredly get some drinks together afterwards.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fake blood + cas = sweet!

5:29 AM  
Blogger Casimir said...

It always bothers me that I didn't get more blood on my back. At the time, it seemed like enough. Alas.

Also, you can't see it at any time but I'm wearing bright blue sneakers both in my lab outfit and when I'm covered in blood.

The blood ruined them but I like to think they informed my performance. You can hear them sticking to the floor too.

2:19 PM  

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